Dr. Scott Atlas resigned as the special adviser to President Donald Trump on the coronavirus pandemic and liberal critics pounced on the news to criticize him and the president.Dr. Scott Atlas resigned as the special adviser to President Donald Trump on the coronavirus pandemic and liberal critics pounced on the news to criticize him and the president.

One had the gall to call him a ‘mass murderer’

On Monday, Dr. Scott Atlas surprisingly resigned as the special adviser to President Donald J Trump for the coronavirus pandemic crisis team and, of course, liberals latched onto the news as a chance to criticize him and President Trump.

Atlas has been seen as quite a controversial voice on the US pandemic response team because he went against others’ voices and questioned the efficacy of many of the social distancing guidelines, including the wearing of face masks, overly restrictive and oppressive lockdowns, and the unnecessary closing of schools.

Here’s a video about Dr Scott Atlas’ resignation:

Monday, Dr Atlas said that he was going to resign from his post just before of the end of his one hundred and thirty-day assignment to the coronavirus task force team.

“I worked hard with a singular focus — to save lives and help Americans through this pandemic,” Atlas said.

“I always relied on the latest science and evidence, without any political consideration or influence. As time went on, like all scientists and health policy scholars, I learned new information and synthesized the latest data from around the world, all in an effort to provide you with the best information to serve the greater public good,” he added.

“But, perhaps more than anything,” Atlas continued, “my advice was always focused on minimizing all the harms from both the pandemic and the structural policies themselves, especially to the working class and the poor.”

Liberals attack Dr Atlas

No sooner had he given his resignation when Liberals and other critics of Atlas mocked him and made jokes at his expense. Some actually blamed him for coronavirus deaths.

“Scott Atlas resigns to spend more time infecting his family,” ABC producer Danny Zuker tweeted.

“Scott Atlas is quitting to spend more time with the virus,” Vox journalist Aaron Rupar tweeted.

“And with a whimper, after contributing to over 100,000 deaths, Scott Atlas is out! Possibly the most deadly voice in the US response to #COVID19,” Dr. Rob Davidson tweeted.

Others said that Atlas should lose his medical license over his advocacy.

“Scott Atlas should lose his medical license,” one user said.

“Will someone permanently remove him from the medical profession now???” Grant Stern, a progressive editor, tweeted.

“I really hope @Stanford fires him immediately. What university wants a mass murderer on their faculty?” writer Don Winslow tweeted.

Some commenters also noted that Atlas appeared to accept the results of the Presidential election in his statement, which referenced the “new team” which will be picked by former Vice President Joe Biden.

“I sincerely wish the new team all the best as they guide the nation through these trying, polarized times,” Atlas said in his statement.

portions of this story were found at theBlaze:

by: Carlo Garcia

story and photo source:

By Jr

I support Trump!

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