He tells the crowd gathered around him that “we’ve got to stand up…” and stop being the victim.He tells the crowd gathered around him that “we’ve got to stand up…” and stop being the victim.

A passionate American in the restaurant industry gave a speech not to be forgotten. He is fed up with the controlling government taking freedoms away. The information on where this speech took place has not been found. It could be anywhere where small businesses are being destroyed due to the draconian coronavirus regulations.

He tells the crowd gathered around him that “we’ve got to stand up…” and stop being the victim.

Language Warning: It’s Now Or Never = RESIST – OPEN – UNITE

The Democrat-run states like Michigan and California are two states where tyrannical governors are overstepping their boundaries to kill businesses.

It’s time to stand up and take America back.

story source:

By Jr

I support Trump!

6 thoughts on ““We’ve got to stand up!”…Passionate Speech from Fed Up American Calls for Resistance NOW”
  1. The lockdowns and masks are being used by venal politicians, bureaucrats, and billionaires for evil ulterior purposes. These people sees us as gerbils in a science experiment.

  2. Haven’t worn a mask… never will. Had to quit my job back in July when the marxist mayor & city council here in OKC passed an edict demanding the tax livestock wear nasty face diapers in indoor public spaces. My employer demanded I comply or leave the property. I told them I would not wear a mask and gave my notice. Who wants to work for an employer who is acting as an agent for the “government”?

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