Corrupt Media Finally Reports Hunter Biden China Business Investigation A Month After Election DayCorrupt Media Finally Reports Hunter Biden China Business Investigation A Month After Election Day

A month before the 2020 election, the New York Post did an explosive report about Joe Biden, his son Hunter, and their seemingly corrupt financial ties to communist China.

For the mere act of reporting this story, the social media company Twitter suspended the New York Post’s account. Twitter also prevented others from sharing the story and their reasons for doing so were obvious. They didn’t want anything to hurt Joe Biden’s chances in the election.

Now that Democrats and the media believe that the election is safely over, they are finally reporting the story.

This is from the Associated Press:

Hunter Biden tax probe examining Chinese business dealings

The Justice Department is investigating the finances of President-elect Joe Biden’s son, including scrutinizing some of his Chinese business dealings and other transactions, a person familiar with the matter told The Associated Press on Wednesday.

So the investigation began in 2018? You don’t say.

The revelations put a renewed spotlight on questions about Hunter Biden’s financial history, which dogged his father’s successful White House campaign and were a frequent target of President Donald Trump and his allies. They also come at a politically delicate time for the president-elect, who is weighing his choice to lead an agency that is actively investigating his son.

The tax investigation was launched in 2018, the year before the elder Biden announced his candidacy for president.

How convenient for all of this to come out now. Tucker did a great segment about this last night. Watch:

story and photo source:

By Jr

I support Trump!

5 thoughts on “Corrupt Media Finally Reports Hunter Biden China Business Investigation A Month After Election Day”
  1. Now we know there are 4 criminal investigations going on against him. All from dealings with Russia, China, and Ukraine, the places his father Joe was in charge of while vice president. And Kamala was supposedly on the list of contacts for the China energy deal? Where do you think that money trail is going to lead? And you’re worried about Paxton?

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