The first batch of documents that President Trump ordered to be classified is already giving us a deeper dive into how corrupt the swamp really is.
According to transcripts, the FBI knew that Christopher Steele’s dossier was “all political” in the summer of 2016, yet they still pursued Trump anyway.
The infamous “Steele Dossier” was the document used by James Comey’s FBI to obtain a FISA warrant in order to spy on President Trump and his campaign.
Turns out the FBI knew it was garbage, yet they used it against Trump regardless.
“Summer 2016: The FBI handling agent knew “without a doubt” that Steele’s reporting was political. “It was completely obvious that this information intended to be used by one of the parties against the other,” twitter user TechnoFog pointed out.
Read the transcript below:

In another look at the transcripts, it appears that files were missing from the FISA application for Carter Page, yet it was still granted anyway:
These revelations are still developing. Stay tuned for more…
I hopetrump stays safe. Even after leaving office. They scared of him. They will kill him. We have all seen how far they will go. Look at all summer. But conservatives bad… Please mr trump be safe… We need u for fight to come. Not be able to stop it. Gone too far already. Sad what one man has done to our great nation. Why hasn’t anyone gpne after top dog? Soros yet?????starts with him and then obama and straight down the line. Sad sad first black man 👨 n office did all this. Sad for black populationthis history. Not helping their cause at all. I see it as major set back.
Please stopplaying games! Tell us somethings we do n not already know! Steele Dossier is old news. We want the dirt on Clinton and other swamp dwellers! Most real Americans know and understand how corrupt DC is! Who is in bed with foreign countries? Who is taking money from foreign entities? Who is laundering money? Who are the crooks both dems and repubs? How has the politicias massed so much moneyy by being public servants? How can the American people stop them? Voting is not the answer! As they all cheat and steal! TEll us about their schemes! What will it take to stop thye parasites of DC?
I’m STILL waiting for the “Irrefutable Evidence” that SCHIFF has, to convict a Duly Elected President!! No One would get away with such Slanderous Accusations, except True Criminals, such as these “LIFERS” posing as Politicians!! How many People have given their lives, so that WE could continue to Exist as a FREE NATION?! TERM LIMITS NOW!