Bannon/Lindell Special On Election Fraud on OANN: Watch HereBannon/Lindell Special On Election Fraud on OANN: Watch Here

This is a must-watch.

Here is the show. See the Bannon/Lindell section at the 34:40 mark…

My Pillow CEO Mike Lindell went on Bannon’s War Room to talk about the Election Fraud special that will take place tonight on OANN at 8:00 P.M.

Bannon and Lindell preview their special on election fraud

So, from what I understand this is going to be playing of Mike Lindell’s Voter Fraud documentary “Absolute Proof” but with added Commentary from Bannon and Lindell. This is good. Debating the topic of election fraud will only make the arguments stronger. They claim at some points they argue so this should make for an exciting viewing experience.

Here is the documentary:

Steve Bannon & Mike Lindell Election fraud show on OANN

If there is a Live Stream we will update it here.

After the fact if we find the video we will also update it here.

We will reiterate this is going to be tonight at 8 P.M on OANN.

story and photo source:

By Jr

I support Trump!

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