President Trump is Putting The Presidential Library On Hold, But What Could It Mean?President Trump is Putting The Presidential Library On Hold, But What Could It Mean?

According to sources The 45th President of The United States is delaying the building of his Presidential library, but what could this be signaling?


That is what many are hinting this latest move could be signaling. President Trump is a man who takes the long term view. A true student of The Art of War.

If he is delaying it for this reason then it is super exciting news! Anything which hints at President Trump coming back is pretty awesome.

He just can’t stay off the news, and there are very good reasons for all of that.

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Some say he hasn’t even really left.

He has been front and center in the media even though he isn’t even in the white house anymore, and Joe Biden is not looking so hot in the polls right now.

Is everyone ready for Trump2024? Because it may just be coming down the pipeline.

Take a look:

Bloomberg reported: 

Donald Trump is spending his first months as an ex-president trying to ensure that he’s remembered the way he wants — but he’s holding off on plans to establish a library that would enshrine his version of his presidency.

Refusing to cede the limelight, the former president has issued almost daily statements, set up a website and turned up at multiple events at his Mar-a-Lago resort, including a wedding where he complained about the 2020 election results and President Joe Biden’s moves so far.

But planning for a library would suggest he’s done being president and that’s not something he’s ready to concede, say people familiar with his thinking. Trump has publicly dangled the possibility that he will seek the Republican nomination in 2024.

“Once he says, ‘I am going to be raising money for my library,’ he’s given up even the pretense of trying to run again,” said Anthony Clark, who has written about the politics and history of presidential libraries.

Daily Mail had this to say: 

Presidents traditionally start planning their libraries as they prepare to leave office.

Trump spent November through January attempting to overturn the election result.

Now at Mar-a-Lago, the ex-president is sending out statements, doing interviews – mostly by phone – and finding ways to stay in the news cycle as he tries to lord over the Republican Party.  

On Easter Sunday, for example, Trump sent out, ‘Happy Easter to ALL including the Radical Left CRAZIES who rigged our Presidential Election, and want to destroy our country!’ which allowed him to be in the headlines again for the day.

story and photo source:

By Jr

I support Trump!

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