President Trump releases new statement, he was outraged at Capitol Hill mayhemPresident Trump releases new statement, he was outraged at Capitol Hill mayhem

After a brief video denouncing the protesters who turned violent and stormed Capitol Hill Wednesday which many said was a tepid response leading to social media bans, President Donald Trump released a new statement today with strong condemnation of it.

Trump’s new statement said that the seat of American Democracy had been defiled, promising that those who broke the law will pay. Trump urged that cooler heads must prevail and that America must now move on. 

“To those who engaged in the acts of violence and destruction, you do not represent our country,” Trump said. “And to those who broke the law, you will pay. 

“We have just been through an intense election and emotions are high. But now tempers must be cooled and calm restored. We must get on with the business of America.”

Trump spoke about the need for reconciliation and healing while promising a peaceful transition of power to the new Biden administration. 

He also admitted that all legal avenues were exhausted in challenging the presidential results, adding he meant to ensure the integrity of the Democratic process.

“Defeating this pandemic and restoring the greatest economy on this earth will require all of us,” Trump said, adding that serving the people of America has been the honor of a lifetime.

story and photo source:

By Jr

I support Trump!

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