Sidney Powell: We’ve Collected The Data, They’ve Been Stealing Congressional Seats For YEARS!Sidney Powell: We’ve Collected The Data, They’ve Been Stealing Congressional Seats For YEARS!

Think the Biden steal was bad?

It was.

But now consider whether they’ve been doing this for years….decades even!

The so-called “blue trend” across the country?

Sidney Powell says it’s complete nonsense.

According to the data, America doesn’t want Democrats at all, but dozens if not hundreds if not thousands of elections have been stolen for decades!

House seats.

Senate seats.


But only when they deployed it against Donald Trump did we catch them.

So how bad is the damage?

Take a look:

Listen to Powell here:

And, more:

story and photo source:

By Jr

I support Trump!

One thought on “Sidney Powell: We’ve Collected The Data, They’ve Been Stealing Congressional Seats For YEARS!”
  1. It is hard to think of an adaquate response to such devastating news. If it is true, we the people have no say in how are government is run or how it is even formed. Reading the media’s response since President Trump was first elected one can only draw the conclusion that Sidney Powell is correct. When the press takes an “all in” negative response to a duly elected President, it is hard to believe that nothing nefarious has been going on for years.

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