Donald Trump Invited To Speak At RNC Donor MeetingDonald Trump Invited To Speak At RNC Donor Meeting

According to a new report, Donald Trump has been invited to speak at the RNC donor meeting that will take place this spring.

This is certainly a big deal on its own. It is pleasing to know that even as many in the establishment are trying to smear Donald Trump the RNC will allow him to speak and aren’t going along with the smears.

It is unclear if he will.

From Politico:

The Republican National Committee is planning to invite former President Donald Trump to its upcoming spring donor meeting, according to a person familiar with preparations for the event.

The RNC is also expected to invite other potential 2024 candidates and Republican leaders to the retreat, which is to be held in Palm Beach, Fla., April 9-11.

Trump has yet to make a public appearance since leaving the White House earlier this month, and he has also been absent from Twitter, which banned him following the Jan. 6 insurrection.

A Trump spokesperson did not respond to an inquiry about whether Trump would attend the RNC meeting. Trump has been staying at his Mar-a-Lago resort, which is also in Palm Beach.

With Trump considering a 2024 comeback, the committee has been careful to demonstrate neutrality, since the former president is no longer an incumbent. It invited Trump and other would-be presidential candidates to its annual winter meeting earlier this month. Trump did not end up making an in-person appearance at the event, which occurred the same week as the Capitol riot.

It has not been decided where in Palm Beach the April donor retreat will take place. But people familiar with the planning say it will not be at Mar-a-Lago.

The base of the Republican party stands with Donald Trump.

Nearly every poll shows his approval with the Republican voters unchanged.

Every poll I have seen has placed Donald Trump as the front runner in 2024 for the Republican primary.

We are a long way off and Trump is still yet to say he would run again in 2024 but this would likely be the first step if he plans on it.

story and photo source:

By Jr

I support Trump!

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