According to a new report from The Daily Mail, Donald Trump Jr. will campaign against Liz Cheney.According to a new report from The Daily Mail, Donald Trump Jr. will campaign against Liz Cheney.

Here we go.

According to a new report from The Daily Mail, Donald Trump Jr. will campaign against Liz Cheney.

From The Daily Mail:

Donald Trump Jr. will go to Wyoming to campaign against Republican Rep. Liz Cheney after she voted to impeach his father.

‘I hear it’s lovely during primary season,’ he told Politico’s Playbook.

Cheney has been under fire from conservatives since she voted to impeach Donald Trump even as establishment Republicans – such as Senate GOP Leader Mitch McConnell – have defended her for voting her conscious.

This is the beginning of cleaning out the swamp in the Republican Party.

There is no question that Liz Cheney does not represent her voters.

She has been lying about Trump:

story and photos source:

By Jr

I support Trump!

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